
Showing posts from May, 2022

How Structured Water Revitalization System Is Believed to Be Safe & Healthier Form?

 Structured water, which is also known as magnetized water or hexagonal water, is a type of water that forms hexagonal clusters. Research claims that structured water is free from any type of pollution or contamination. Due to these reasons, it is believed to be a safe and healthier form of water even when compared to tap or filtered water. Structured water is basically a molecular rearrangement of water molecules that exists only if there is any hydrophilic water surface nearby. The structured water molecules join together to form hexagonal structures into single-layer sheets. This form of water can be made by using a Structured Water Vortex Machine .  In a properly designed vortex machine, the water molecules dissociate into hydrogen and oxygen, which then dissolve in the water and mix uniformly. Since oxygen is hydrophilic in nature, the formed hexagonal sheets start to grow outward from oxygen layer by layer. High-quality water is a basic necessity for good health. For this reason,